How To Identify Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson disease and symptoms, Alternative Parkinson’s disease treatments

Treating a disease with no known causes is a special kind of challenge. Fortunately, the successful treatment of Parkinson’s disease is steadily progressing. In addition to the progress made in gene identification, alternative Parkinson’s disease treatments are also being discovered.

One of the key factors in improving the outlook of diagnosed patients is early detection. In fact, early detection is one of the areas where a significant bulk of the research these days is focused. The best way to improve early detection is by educating people about what to look for. Below you’ll find some effective ways to detect early signs of the disease.


Parkinson disease and symptoms related to it are not fully known but the most recognizable symptom is tremors. It’s also one of the most obvious symptoms when it starts presenting.

Tremors can include anything from slight twitching of the extremities to gross motor seizures. Shaking in the hands doesn’t always correlate to Parkinson’s disease but if you’re experiencing it, it’s a good idea to seek the advice of a physician.

Changes in Vocal Patterns

Another well-known symptom of Parkinson’s is impaired speech. Advanced Parkinson’s patients exhibit noticeably slurred speech but in the early stages, it presents in less pronounced ways.

While Parkinson’s patients continue to pronounce words clearly, their tone tends to become more subdued. Early signs include hoarseness or little inflexion when speaking.

Slouching or Stooping

The gross motor symptoms that many people associate with Parkinson’s disease only occur in the advanced stages. Initially, slight changes in posture will start to show up.

Slouching or leaning may be evident as well as difficulty balancing.

It’s important to note that poor posture may lead to stooping as well as back injuries. However, poor posture takes a long time to cause meaningful problems and back injuries tend to eventually heal.

Cramped Handwriting

A much lesser-known symptom is handwriting starting to reduce in size. Because movement becomes challenging, fine motor skills start to suffer earlier than gross motor skills.

Someone who previously had normal handwriting might notice that they have difficulty writing in broad strokes. That makes handwriting looked cramped and smaller than before with very little kerning.

Sometimes it may take a little while for this symptom to show up. That is, a person with Parkinson’s may start writing normally but gradually see their handwriting start to shrink.

Problems Sleeping

This is a symptom that needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Sleep problems are common to a lot of conditions.

However, if sleep is interrupted by thrashing, kicking, or flailing it could be a sign of Parkinson’s. Falling out of bed is also a red flag and should prompt a doctor’s visit.

What to Do About It

Parkinson’s disease has no known cure but if you detect it early enough, the prognosis improves considerably. If the early detection signs listed above lead to a diagnosis, there are alternative Parkinson’s disease treatments you can try.

Based on acupuncture, permanent auriculotherapy is a technique used to help with neurological diseases.

The technique uses titanium micro-implants that are inserted under the skin in the ear. This implant stimulates key nerve endings in the auricular pavilion and has helped improve the health of many patients.

Discovered by German physician Ulrich Werth, this method uses several implantation points to relieve a host of symptoms.

Permanent ear acupuncture is a continually evolving methodology and new applications are discovered every day. If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, contact the experts at the Neuro-regenerative Medicine Center to find out more about how it can provide relief.

Alternative Parkinson’s Disease Approaches

Parkinson’s is a very serious neurological illness. One of the key interventions that can help sufferers with their outcomes is early identification and diagnosis.

Early signs may include such things as tremors, cramped handwriting, sleep problems, and changes in speech patterns. As with any other disease, a confluence of symptoms is a better indicator than just one.

If you suspect you may have Parkinson’s, consult a neurologist to get tested.

But early diagnosis is just the beginning, when looking into all potential treatment options. Permanent ear acupuncture is an alternative treatment method that has helped scores of patients around the world.

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About the Author: Vijay

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