Getting Things Straight
Many people suffer from teeth which are misaligned or crooked. This can often have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem and confidence, as well as often leading to more long-term structural issues if treatment is not sought after. Many people are often dissuaded from seeking much needed, essential dental realignment procedures however, due to the fear that their outward appearance will be negatively impacted during the course of treatment. It is for this reason that a large number of people are seeking further information on Invisalign in Sheffield, to achieve a straighter, healthier looking smile discreetly.
Moving Mountains
It is estimated that the number of British adults seeking dental realignment has risen steadily over the last few years. Whilst many still opt for conventional methods of dental realignment such as fused, wire braces, there has been an increased focus from adults on getting braces and dental alignment aids which are more discreet, such as Invisalign. Unlike conventional methods of orthodontics, the Invisalign retainer system is a non invasive method of dental realignment which does not require any fused brackets or wires to be installed. As such, it has become extremely popular in recent years – specifically within the demographics of teenagers and young adults. The system works by replacing fused brackets and wires, which are common throughout conventional orthodontics, with a removable, plastic retainer. This retainer is constructed from a specialist plastic known as SmartTrack, which is utilised for its uniquely durable, yet malleable nature. When worn, the retainer uses specifically placed pressure points to gradually push a patient’s teeth back into their correct specifications, which are established by their dental practitioner, prior to beginning treatment.
Clearly On To Something
The Invisalign method of dental realignment was the brainchild of Stanford University graduate Zia Chishti, who, in 1997, after struggling with the restrictions and limitations of his own orthodontic work, came up with the revolutionary Invisalign method. Despite having no formal training in orthodontics, Chishti teamed up with fellow graduate Kelsey Wirth, and in 2001 launched the first Invisalign retainer. Since then, it has grown into one of the world’s most popular forms of dental realignment and has helped restore the smiles of many happy customers, with a large proportion of these being teenagers and young adults. It is also estimated that growing numbers of dentists have now been trained to apply Invisalign retainers – and the process is showing no signs of slowing down.
Discreet Ingenuity
One of the main reasons behind Invisalign’s success within the demographics of teenagers and young adults is the discreet nature of the process. As each retainer is constructed out of SmartTrack plastic, and is moulded around the contours of each patient’s teeth, it fits so snugly over them that it becomes practically invisible when worn. This separates the Invisalign method from typical methods of dental realignment such as conventional braces, as it allows patients to undertake essential orthodontic treatment, without attracting any unwanted attention from their peers or colleagues. Another benefit to this system which differentiates it from other methods of orthodontic treatment is that the retainer is removable. This uniquely allows patients to choose the time in which they undergo treatment, working around their own schedules. This again can be a very convenient aspect to this treatment as allowing time to remove the brace for photographs or other special occasions can be a major factor in promoting self-esteem and confidence.