Patients who are suffering from misaligned teeth, front protruding teeth, (also commonly referred to within the field of dentistry as an ‘overbite’), or even irregularly spaced teeth within the mouth, may wish to consider Invisalign in Luton as an orthodontic solution for their smile.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a popular brand provider of clear aligners which have provided happy smiles for over four million patients worldwide! Invisalign is commonly thought to be the term for clear aligners, however they are simply one popular brand that is now being offered at many modern and accommodating dental clinics.
How do clear aligners produce effective dental results?
Clear aligners are essentially transparent plastic trays that are custom made to suit each individual patient’s smile. In addition to their clear and therefore aesthetically pleasing physical appearance, they have also proven effective in amending seriously misaligned teeth within a patient’s mouth, therefore serving as an appliance that not only looks subtle, but also works exceptionally well too.
Getting to know Invisalign
Invisalign serves as a modern alternative to the traditional metal braces considered as unsightly by many individuals, who may feel as if obvious dental work could affect their self-confidence. In addition to their custom made transparent aligner trays, they also work well to fit into a patient’s hectic work and social schedule, as they are of course removable, and can therefore be cleaned quickly, and thoroughly.
What are the benefits of Invisalign clear aligners?
Within the modern world of orthodontic dentistry many modern dental practices are now choosing to embrace the latest advancements within dental technology, which leads to an ever increasing variety in the orthodontic appliances available for patients. With this wide variety in mind therefore, many individuals may find it hard to navigate the modern world of orthodontics, which is why many patients may turn to clear aligners.
How do clear aligners compare to traditional metal braces?
Traditional metal braces, (also commonly referred to within the field of dentistry as ‘conventional braces’), have been present within the field of orthodontics for many years, proving to be extremely effective when dealing with some of the most severe misalignment and overbite cases. Despite their undeniably effective dental results however, many patients (especially those who are older and may feel as if obvious dental work may hinder their career prospects) may lean towards something more discreet, which is where clear aligners come in.
What to expect from the clear aligner treatment journey
Clear aligners are essentially extremely subtle mouth trays which are custom made for each individual patient’s unique dental case. Clear aligners are not only unique to each patient to ensure the best possible results are achieved, but they also embrace the latest advancements within computer technology.
Making the Invisalign treatment process as problem-free as possible
Within the modern world of dentistry, many dental practices are now using a computerised system to plot each movement of a patient’s treatment, in order to reach their desired smile. The three dimensional scanning system can help predict the end result for a patient, therefore giving them the reason to look forward to nearing the end of the treatment process.