When you have had gaps in your smile for a long time or have simply had enough of wearing your dentures, you may have considered undertaking dental implants.
An exceedingly popular restorative option, dental implants provide those who wear them with a permanent, secure alternative to dentures which do not cause any uncomfortable rubbing or sores. Similarly, they also strengthen the bite and have helped many wearers to regain healthier eating habits, while also reducing issues such as oral grinding and jawbone recession. What could be more perfect!
Unfortunately, dental implants, like most new procedures in dentistry, have had their fair share of bad press. If you were to search online for information about them, it is probable that you would discover myths and horror stories about these restorative fittings. And, needless to say, it would probably make you a bit anxious about asking your dentist in Sydney about having them fitted.
Rest assured, that while the process of fitting oral implants may sound intimidating, it is straightforward and is nothing like the mistruths you may have read online.
In this article, the truths behind the myths about oral implants will be looked at, so you can feel confident asking your dentist at your practice about this option.
Having them fitted hurts
When your dentist at your practice fits your implants, they will ensure that your mouth is sufficiently numbed before they begin.
For the first few days post-fitting, you may experience soreness around the implant site, along with a feeling of bruising. Rest assured, that this should be no more uncomfortable than a dental extraction and should resolve in a few days.
They can’t be fitted if you have a slim jaw
It is true that you need a certain amount of jaw density when you have dental implants fitted.
However, there are options to get around this, such as micro-implants, zygomatic implants, subperiosteal implants and bone grafting. Your dental team will discuss with you which of these options is most suited to your clinical presentation.
They can fall out!
While dental implants can fall out, it is unlikely that they will.
As they are attached to your jaw, they are extremely secure and your dental team will check that the bone has grown around the implants before attaching the prosthetics (teeth).
If you are concerned that your oral implants are moving or falling out, contact your dental team immediately.
You don’t need to brush dental implants
Yes, you do!
Poor oral hygiene is a common cause of dental implants failing.
To ensure the longevity of your implants, practice good oral hygiene, such as brushing twice a day, attending dental check-ups and using interdental brushes to keep your gums healthy.
They always get infected
There is always a risk of infection with dental procedures.
While it is uncommon for implants to become infected, if it does happen, your dental team will be able to offer prompt treatment to ensure your implants stay in place and successfully merge to your jawbone. Perfect!
All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.