Diabetes UK reports that 4.7 million people in the UK suffer from one of the most dreaded diseases, diabetes – a chronic condition that impacts every major organ in the body and can lead to the patient developing a number of other serious health conditions and complications. As frightening as this figure is, what is even more of a concern is that this number is expected to rise to 5.5 million by 2030.
Much has been said and written about Type 2 diabetes (caused mainly by excessive weight and unhealthy diet and lifestyles) and how to prevent it. One thing remains the same; in many of these cases, the condition could have been prevented if the patient only reverted to a healthier diet, reduced body weight and began an exercise regime.
Diabetes and Dental Health
The article “Commissioning Standard: Dental Care for People with Diabetes,” published by NHS England, brings together the influence of high blood sugar levels on poor gum health. It is of the utmost importance for diabetic patients to monitor their dental health with regular attendance for check-ups at a dentist as gum health can change if sugar levels are not kept under recommended levels.
How to save your teeth through food
Avoiding sugar in one’s diet need not require you to revolutionise your lifestyle. Instead patients can begin by implementing a few simple steps.
Cut back on table sugar
Patients can begin by reducing the amount of sugar (white or brown, honey, molasses) they add to their foods. Wean down by half a teaspoon at a time and find alternatives (natural preferably) to sweeten or flavour foods and beverages like using fruit and spices like cinnamon.
Swap soft drinks for water
Soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks and even healthier drinks like kombucha teas are loaded with sugar and are not considered healthy to consume by dental and medical experts. By avoiding these sugary drinks and opting for good old-fashioned water, patients can ensure hydration and stay clear of the empty calories and sugars they contain.
Scrutinise nutrition labels
Patients should make the nutrition labels on food packaging a useful reference guide on which products they should buy. It may take some time to learn how to read and use the information provided but the effort is well-rewarded if it results in the patient making better food choices to promote health and longevity. Sugars, for example, come in many different guises and being able to identify the various types are important.
Reduce portion sizes
While some patients are successful in adapting to healthier food options, they must not to neglect to cut back on the portions of their meals. It must not be forgotten that larger portions will always translate into more calories and more sugar entering the body.
Patients not sure if their sugar intake is excessive or not or would like more guidance on those foods that are proven to promote oral health can consult a dental hygienist or dental practitioner for more guidance. For quality dental care and a comprehensive dental service menu, choose Aura Dental clinic.