5 Fundraising Marketing Ideas For Start-up Businesses

Marketing is an essential part of any start-up business and therefore it plays a crucial role in taking it to the next level. There are several ways in which you can promote your business, provided you have plenty of money. But, given that you’re a start-up business, it’s pretty obvious that you might be on a shoestring budget and feel it isn’t wise to spend it all on advertising. However, a lack of money does not necessarily mean la ack of marketing strategies for your business. In fact, limited funding is the key to innovative and creative promotional ideas.

Below we have mentioned some effective ways of marketing that are not only easy to apply, but which will also help you raise a lot of funds for your enterprise.

1. Engage with customers

Most of the entrepreneurs simply develop a ‘company – customer’ relationship with their patrons in order to boost their sales. Though it’s not bad to think of just making sales, sometimes you should also engage with your customers so that they know more about what your company actually does and how the products can be of benefit to them.  For doing just that, social media is the best way. It helps you connect with more people and allows you to take up indirect marketing.

You can share, comment, tweet and get involved in a conversation to give an in-depth insight about your products and services. This way, your customers will notice and reply to your comments and tweets, and eventually try your products. But make sure you are posting something interesting that can catch people’s attention.

2. Create a niche

To build credibility for your business, you don’t need to do a lot. Just find the right opportunities to grab your potential clients’ attention towards your products and also to increase the awareness of your brand. You can take the help of blogs, webinars, podcast, YouTube videos, etc. to promote your business online. It saves you tonnes of money and works faster than any other traditional methods of marketing.

Creating a YouTube channel is indeed a smart way of branding your company. It brings in more customers that too in a shorter period of time. If you can create a promotional video using an interesting story and make it go viral on the internet, then your brand can take the internet by storm in no time.  Once your enterprise is well-known, you can launch and advertise your upcoming products as well.

3. Share the motto of your business

Don’t be afraid to share the interesting story of ‘why have you started this business?’ People always want to know the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s’ of your trade. But, your story must be different and unique from the other businesses to catch the people’s attention. This is because it will make them feel more connected to you.  Your inspiring stories will not only resonate with the people, but also leave an impression on their mind. To share your start-up journey, you can write blogs, create YouTube videos or post on social media to let people follow you.

4. Attend public events

At times, face-to-face marketing works better than other modes of advertising. The best way to do that is to attend public events or co-sponsor events in the industry. It’s a good way to let people know about your brand and products through other popular public shows. If the event becomes a hit, your business will also get promoted, surprisingly without much effort.

So the next time, when you get a chance to be a part of any such public event, take full advantage of it and let the people be familiar with your trade through it.

5. Give away free samples

No matter what product your business is offering, people always like receiving free things. For a new business, it’s pretty hard to reach their target customers, which is why free sample distribution works as a great way to bring in new patrons. It will not only help you to understand the pros and cons of your product, but also let you know the genuine review of it.

But apply this technique only if you have small products like promotional pens, makeup items and other plastic made accessories that last for a long time or drinks or food items that can help you gain immediate reviews.

These small yet effective ideas will not only do effectively advertise your company, but also lead your business to make millions of money. So imply them and give a boost to your newly set-up firm.

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About the Author: Vijay

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